Award-Winning Latin-American Steakhouse, proud to be over 25 years with Latino ownership.
All of our dishes are homemade and we make everything in-house. We like to think that going out for dinner should be a special experience for you and your loved ones.
What is our....?
Latin America was invented only a couple hundred years ago and yet encompasses so many cultures. What was it before? Does this place still exist? We celebrate ethnicity, authenticity and quality with our interpretation of this dynamic, mysterious and global identity.
We believe the time to refine starts with Argentine bovine on your mind.
Chances to sip some wine, taste global finds and be surrounded by loved ones is our favorite way to dine.
The need to unwind is something we uncessantly remind with Latin rhythms and rhyme.
So, if you want to decide if this belief shines, please book early to avoid the line!
Hungry? Thirsty?
Our priority is to have the best ingredients served fresh every day. If you have a Latino favorite, are curious or simply want to know why many call us 'the best steak in town' please take a look at our specialized selection.
Opening Hours
Tuesday - Saturday
17:30 - 23:00
17:00 - 22:00
Kitchen closes 1 hour before shutting
'Take-Away or Sit-In Lunch'
& Event Bookings
available upon request
Business details